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Curved Line Animation Css

CSS Keywords for Animation

Linear, Ease, Ease-In, Ease-Out

Simplifying Animation with Preset Keywords

CSS animations offer flexibility and control over visual transitions, and predefined keywords serve as helpful tools to streamline the process. Among the available options, "linear," "ease," "ease-in," and "ease-out" stand out as valuable keywords for controlling the timing and pacing of animations.

"Linear" animations maintain a consistent speed throughout the animation's duration, resulting in a straightforward and predictable transition. "Ease" animations, on the other hand, introduce a gradual acceleration and deceleration, providing a more natural and visually appealing effect.

For animations that require a specific emphasis or focus, "ease-in" and "ease-out" keywords become essential. "Ease-in" animations start slowly and gradually accelerate towards the end, while "ease-out" animations do the opposite, beginning with momentum and decelerating smoothly to the end.
